location赤羽小学校 Akabane Elementary School
3 courts. Amenities: Air conditioning. Water fountain. No showers available. Access: Enter from the northeast corner of the building. Enter from the gate and at the door press the middle top intercom with the sticker on it. Go down the hall to the end and take the stairs to floor B2. Please do not take the elevator. コート3面。 アメニティ: 冷暖房完備。水飲み場あり。シャワーなし。 アクセス: 建物の北東角から入る。ゲートから入り、ドアのところでシールの貼ってある中央上部のインターホンを押す。ホールを突き当りまで進み、階段でB2階へ。エレベーターはご利用にならないでください。
Thursday, Feb 13
7:00 PM -> 9:00 PM (2 hours)
赤羽小学校 Akabane Elementary School
8/15 players
Saturday, Feb 15
1 private event hidden show
Sunday, Feb 16
1 private event hidden show
Monday, Feb 17
1 private event hidden show
Thursday, Feb 20
7:00 PM -> 9:00 PM (2 hours)
赤羽小学校 Akabane Elementary School
9/10 players
Thursday, Apr 10
7:00 PM -> 9:00 PM (2 hours)
赤羽小学校 Akabane Elementary School
4/15 players
Thursday, Apr 17
7:00 PM -> 9:00 PM (2 hours)
赤羽小学校 Akabane Elementary School
2/15 players
Thursday, Apr 24
7:00 PM -> 9:00 PM (2 hours)
赤羽小学校 Akabane Elementary School
2/15 players